我收到一封自稱是MR.JERRY WEST寄來的信
內容寫的是他說他是個銀行家 然後突然有一筆鉅款
這個人力網叫做Ouagadougou Burkina-Faso
布吉那法索....我們的邦交國 窮的不得了的地方
還說提供人頭戶是有100%的風險的 不過可以獲得35%的報酬(說的跟真的一樣)
還強調這是一封秘密的信件 總之超妙的


Attention: Sir/Madam,

I am MR.JERRY WEST.The director in charge of auditing and accounting section of a prime bank in Ouagadougou Burkina-Faso West-Africa with due respect and regard. I have decided to contact you on a business transaction that will be very beneficial to both of us at the end of the transaction.

During our investigation and auditing in this bank, my department came across a very huge sum of money belonging to a deceased person Mr. Morris Thompson from America who is an oil merchant Agent here in ouagadougou burkina faso, a well known Philanthropist before his death in a plane crash on February 4, 2000. both wife Thelma Thompson and daughter Sheryl Thompson. Please for more details concerning him and how he died, you can visit this website: www.cnn.com/2000/US/02/01/alaska.airlines.list The said amount was U.S $15.5M (Fifteen million five hundred United States dollars). As it may interest you to know, I got your impressive information through from a human resource profile database in the chamber here in Ouagadougou Burkina-Faso. Meanwhile all the whole arrangement to put claim over this fund as the bona fide next of kin to the deceased, to get the required approval and transfer this money to a foreign account has been put in place and directives, and needed information will be relayed to you as soon as you indicate your interest and willingness to assist me and also benefit your self to this great business opportunity.

In fact I could have done this deal alone but because of my position in this country as a civil servant (A Banker), we are not allowed to operate a foreign account and would eventually raise an eye brow on my side during the time of transfer because I work in this bank. This is the actual reason why it will require a second party or fellow who will forward claims as the next of kin with affidavit of trust of oath to the Bank and also present a foreign account where he will need the money to be re-transferred into on his request as it may be after due verification and clarification by the correspondent branch of the bank where the whole money will be remitted from to your own designation bank account.

I will not fail to inform you that this transaction is 100% risk free. On smooth conclusion of this transaction, you will be entitled to 35% of the total sum as gratification, while 50% will be for me and 15% map out for any expenses. Please, you have been advised to keep "top secret" as I am still in service and intend to retire from service after we conclude this deal. I will be monitoring the whole situation here in this bank until you confirm the money in your account and ask me to come down to your country for subsequent sharing of the fund according to percentages previously indicated and further investment, either in your country or any country you advice us to invest in. All other necessary vital information will be sent to you when I hear from you.

Thank you for your understanding as await your urgent response to enable me give you more details. Please reply with those information's below so that i can know you very well before i go ahead with you. I await your urgent response.

Your full name...................
Your International passport or ID card.
Your age.............................
Your private telephone number.....
Your country.......................
Your profession....................

Remain bless,

Mr Jerry West.

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